Chinese Vocabulary: Lesson XXII

旋  xuán  / revolve /

xuàn  / lathe / specially for an occasion /

掩  yǎn  / cover up / to surprise /

渡  dù  / to cross / to pass through / to ferry /

桑  sāng  / mulberry tree /

雕  diāo  / engrave /

diāo  / engrave / shrewd /

叛  pàn  / to betray / to rebel / to revolt /

耐  nài  / to be unbearable / unable to endure /

嫌  xián  / to dislike / to suspect /

削  xiāo  / to scrape /

xuē  / to reduce / to pare (away) / to cut (down) /

爽  shuǎng  / invigorating / straightforward / frank / open / bright / clear /